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Comments 4

soleiltropiques April 16 2017, 19:26:49 UTC
Wow. Fuck this guy (actually fuck both of them, both the judge and rapist).


teacoat April 16 2017, 20:40:18 UTC
Fuck everything about this, but especially that there is a sentencing guideline for anything of 5 years to life. That's such a ridiculously wide range, and I would bet you anything if you look at sentences for convictions based on race and there's going to be a very clear pattern.


scolaro April 17 2017, 07:51:29 UTC
great men, sometimes do bad things
great men, sometimes do bad things
great men, sometimes do bad things

Fuck this fucking asswipe.


ladycyndra April 17 2017, 17:31:59 UTC
This is fucking disgusting. Actually wanting to CRY over sending a RAPIST to prison. Lose your job, your piece of apologist shit! FUCK YOU


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