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tilmon April 10 2017, 01:50:36 UTC
Anyone have any thoughts regarding this community and the new TOS?


moonshaz April 11 2017, 20:52:48 UTC

My senator, Tammy Duckworth, is having a townhall this evening, and as part of my ongoing efforts to become more politically active and involved, I'm going! I only have an overflow ticket, because I didn’t hear about it until after the "regular" tickets were gone, but I'm going to give it a shot. This will be first townhall of anybody's that I've ever been to, but it definitely won't be the last.

In the past month, i participated in a demonsteation outside the oofice of my congressweasel Peter Roskam and made several phone calls in support of the ACA and in opposition to the appointment of Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Making phone calls has always made me squirm and still does, but I'm working to get over my squeamishness, as I've come to realize how important it is.

Last night, I attended an informational meeting on some proposed legislation concerning immigrants that's currently working its way through our state legislature. The idea, in part, is to fight back against Trump's heinous immigrant roundups and other abuses by ( ... )


moonshaz April 11 2017, 22:35:51 UTC

I got in! I'm up pretty close, too. Unbelievable. :-)


blueeowyn April 17 2017, 21:16:30 UTC
I'm hoping/wishing that someone will mirror this to DW. I don't know how. Meanwhile I will continue reading here, and not commenting much but learning a lot.


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