Unruly Starving Peasants Refuse to Work for Free.

Apr 04, 2017 02:27

Democrats Plan for 2018: We are Not Trump, Vote for The Lesser Evil! Stop Asking for Economic Freedom. (Guillotines for Sale, 10% off!)

No, wealth isn’t created at the top. It is merely devoured there
Bankers, pharmaceutical giants, Google, Facebook ... a new breed of rentiers are at the very top of the pyramid and they’re sucking the rest of us ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, capitalism, corporations, democratic party, economics, working class, progressives, health care, poverty, america fuck yeah, health, republicans, socialism, economy, middle class, medicare, bernie sanders, banking, oligarchy, money, corruption, populism, workers rights, money talks, politics, democrats

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Comments 1

moonshaz April 5 2017, 22:39:56 UTC

Some of your subject lines confuse the fuck out of me, lol. Incliding this one. 😎


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