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Comments 37

amw April 3 2017, 13:18:27 UTC
Early/late shenanigans makes Europeans happy! This week I finished up all the last of my stuff in Berlin and spent a few days in Prague on the way to my dad's place in Vienna. Last night was my first night here, and today was the first morning in several weeks where I did nothing at all. Didn't get up for anything, didn't worry about anything, didn't have anywhere to be. I am still wearing sweatpants and bumming around online and it's almost 3pm. This is the break I needed, and the perfect place to recover from the stress of 2016 and plan the rest of my trip.

I caught up on all the week's news this morning and I am not sure if things got less awful or I am just finally relaxed enough not to let it get under my skin. Trump is still horrifying. Other Republicans are still asses. Brexit is still the most devastating political event to happen to me personally. But none of it is keeping me up at night. Then again, tonight will be the first I am rested and have internet in bed again, so...


Re: hobbits_friend April 3 2017, 14:34:32 UTC
You are in Vienna? I hope you like it! It's a strange thought that we could walk past each other and would not recognize each other.


amw April 3 2017, 15:40:46 UTC
I am loving the weather right now. I have been here a few times, because my dad lives here, but this time will be more relaxing than others since it's the start of my sabbatical.

I look like my user pic! If you see a dopey-lookin' tall chick with orange hair, jeans and a tank wandering about back alleys taking photos (or drinking inner kneipe) you've probably found me out 🙈


hobbits_friend April 3 2017, 17:18:11 UTC
Then I'll keep my eyes open :D
My description would be far less useful (pale, brown hair, jeans).


(The comment has been removed)

mhfromnh April 3 2017, 14:12:12 UTC

... )


eveofrevolution April 3 2017, 14:13:36 UTC
mhfromnh April 3 2017, 14:52:29 UTC
either way, the link leads to a rather anti-Semitic blog.


bib_specialist April 3 2017, 13:52:39 UTC
And after that, he'll do what he can to bring back buggy whip manufacturing.


bnmc2005 April 3 2017, 15:55:39 UTC
Bill is a lesbian. Doctor Who is getting it's first GAY FULL TIME companion.

... )


moonshaz April 3 2017, 20:15:01 UTC

I can't read this without hearing "Don't fuck it up!" in RuPaul's voice, lol.


sobota April 4 2017, 01:43:29 UTC
It's Moffatt who's going to be writing them. Sorry, friend.


bnmc2005 April 4 2017, 18:14:43 UTC
Is it Moffat or Toby Whitehouse or The new guy Chinball?


blackjedii April 3 2017, 16:11:44 UTC
I ordered tickets to see Tears for Fears and Hall & Oates

I was all set to order Depeche Mode tickets too but
they were $150.00 apiece
for nosebleed seats

So I am bummed

Also I spent too much money because I got a small-ish promotion which is probably going to mean more drama in my work life but it's nice to have that extra $100.00 in the bank

and I'll be all set to re-play Breath of the Wild once my guide comes in next week so I can try to 100% it. Okay, probably more like 90% it.


kyouichi April 3 2017, 16:42:17 UTC
Ah, I am sad you will not be able to bask in David Gahan's barechested glory.


blackjedii April 3 2017, 18:43:40 UTC
Me too. Admittedly we usually sit so far away that we can't see it outside of the big screen. And this would be time #4 so i will just hope the next time pans out better.

It could have all been avoided if they'd played in the same place instead of... *shudder* downtown DC...


checkerdandy April 7 2017, 01:16:27 UTC
Oh noes!

At least you get to see Hall and Oates. We're busting our concert budget on Nick Cave and DM.


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