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Comments 5

calinewarkwc69 March 30 2017, 15:25:57 UTC
“I haven’t been in a science class in a long time, but the earth moves closer to the sun every year ― you know, the rotation of the earth,” Wagner said. “We’re moving closer to the sun.”

You don't fucking say.... these people need to get bent.


meadowphoenix March 30 2017, 18:40:51 UTC
A firestarter gif! Anyway, I'm too angry to lol @ incompetence.


(The comment has been removed)

hudebnik March 31 2017, 11:57:45 UTC
But most of the wildlife we've driven to extinction is cold-blooded, so that doesn't count. Mammals and birds are a pretty small fraction of everything. (Not that I think that's what he meant....)


hudebnik March 31 2017, 12:13:31 UTC
“I believe that the climate is changing every day ( ... )


moonbladem April 2 2017, 00:33:57 UTC
This guy is a moron of the highest order and shouldn't be in a position where he can affect millions of lives.

What a fucking idiot.


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