Let Them Eat iPhones

Mar 24, 2017 02:27

Capitalism Promises Human Suffering Will Be Bearable .

‘Deaths of Despair’ Are Surging Among the White Working ClassResearchers who sounded the alarm on increasing white working-class mortality blamed the trend Thursday on economic upheaval that created a web of social issues so tightly interwoven that even successful policies would take years to ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, africa, middle class, capitalism, yemen, hunger, foreign policy, working class, drugs, workers rights, crime, ireland, poverty, invisible hand of the free market

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Comments 1

tcpip March 25 2017, 06:56:43 UTC
The horrific thing about the Great Potato Famine is that it was avoidable. There had been crop failures in the past, but people were able to import grain. But then... The Corn Laws.

Oh yes, that made local landlords very rich indeed.


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