Police: White sword killer went to NY to attack black people

Mar 22, 2017 18:02

A white U.S. Army veteran from Baltimore bent on making a racist attack took a bus to New York, the "media capital of the world," randomly picked out a black man who was collecting bottles on the street and killed him with a sword, police said Wednesday ( Read more... )

murder, hate crimes, veterans, white supremacy, black people, army, new york

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Comments 9

meadowphoenix March 23 2017, 13:22:42 UTC
So are people going to get outraged or is that is just reserved for racial crimes against white people.


lightframes March 23 2017, 22:05:58 UTC
People will just pretend it didn't happen/isn't constantly happening


lovedforaday March 23 2017, 14:19:58 UTC
here's the victim's twitter account: https://twitter.com/timrock715/with_replies

his avatar is a picture of him beyonce. if there's an afterlife, i hope he's gossiping and getting pics with dead celebs.


lightframes March 23 2017, 22:05:39 UTC
Reading his Twitter was so sad.


lovedforaday March 23 2017, 23:13:17 UTC
did you see his tweet from election day where he said "i love america". in the end he was killed by America's ultimate sickness.


lightframes March 23 2017, 23:17:00 UTC
Yes. We give and give to this country and get nothing back. Yet people want to cry about affirmative action...


lightframes March 23 2017, 22:04:50 UTC
Even after this guy admitted he committed a hate crime, I'm sure people will be saying "but how do we KNOW it was a hate crime"

"He's just one of those people that you wish you never met," said Marcus Dagan

I'm glad this guy said this because usually they interview people like "but he was so nice!!! I had no idea!!!"


soleiltropiques March 24 2017, 02:09:04 UTC
This is just so tragic and horrible.


"Bias attacks have more than doubled this year in New York, and there have been nine bias crimes against black people reported, up from five in the same time period last year."

This is just horrible. I have no words.


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