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Comments 6

lovedforaday March 21 2017, 13:05:46 UTC


moonshaz March 21 2017, 18:37:09 UTC



lovedforaday March 22 2017, 22:50:25 UTC
sorry i was just goofing on certain columnists and twitter users who say any mention of trump's ties to russia is red-baiting.


moonshaz March 23 2017, 04:33:58 UTC

Thanks for this reply. I didn’t know wtf you meant, lol, but one obvious interpretation was that you were calling this article red baiting, which didn't make any sense to me. I was prepared to argue the point, but I  wasn't sure if it would be apropo to do so.

When rumors first started coming out about possible Russian involvement in the election, there were some fairly heated discussions in this comm, in which more than one person tried to wave away the whole thing, expressing very heavy skepticism or even outright disbelief. I can't recall whether you were involved in any of those exchanges, on either side, but I was not able to automatically assume this comment  was a joke, due to my memories of those discussions. Thanks for clearing that up.


lightframes March 21 2017, 22:36:52 UTC
If and when FBI agents get Manafort or Flynn in their vise, they will climb up the chain by turning targets into witnesses.

This is what I'm waiting for - for people to start talking.

Also everyone who voted for Trump needs to send me an apology letter and apple pie. Then I might forgive them.


ladycyndra March 23 2017, 16:44:59 UTC
My SIL is too fucking stubborn to admit she was wrong about orange fuck. She'd rather go down in flames. She gets that charming trait from her damn mother.


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