Iran news roundup

Mar 07, 2017 01:16

Trump’s New Travel Ban Blocks Migrants From Six Nations, Sparing Iraq

WASHINGTON - President Trump signed an executive order on Monday blocking citizens of six predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, the most significant hardening of immigration policy in generations, even with changes intended to blunt legal and political ( Read more... )

iran, corruption, terrorism, middle east, donald trump, fuckery, immigration

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Comments 7

shahar March 7 2017, 11:44:39 UTC
The New Yorker article is long, but worth the read.


shortsweetcynic March 8 2017, 11:47:52 UTC
YES - cosigned! it's absolutely worth the time.


eveofrevolution March 7 2017, 14:30:01 UTC
shahar March 7 2017, 16:56:20 UTC
I shortened it a bit more. Let me know if it is still too long.


eveofrevolution March 7 2017, 17:40:40 UTC

butterthetoast March 7 2017, 16:20:28 UTC
How can anyone believe these are good people? Everything this family does is shady...


shahar March 7 2017, 16:59:40 UTC
There are a lot of articles speculating that Trump (and his generals) will lead us into a war with Iran. This seems crazy to me, because it is significantly larger than Iraq--population and area--and we have been there for 15+ years.

I just hope the saber rattling doesn't swing the Iranian presidential elections to the far right. Iran was taking baby steps in the right direction, and I fear Trump (or any Republican president) will undo all of that.


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