mcauliffe is so done with this shit

Feb 24, 2017 21:42

Gov. McAuliffe vetoes bill that would defund Planned Parenthood in VirginiaRICHMOND, Va. - Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Tuesday his veto of House Bill 2264, which which would cut off federal Title X funding for Planned Parenthood and any other groups that perform abortions in Virginia ( Read more... )

virginia, terry mcauliffe, planned parenthood, immigration

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Comments 6

maynardsong February 25 2017, 20:46:56 UTC
I <3 my governor. <3 <3 <3


blackjedii February 25 2017, 20:48:50 UTC
Not really happy with how corporate-happy he is (and we still have a pipeline threatening to come through Appalachia which is Worst. Idea. Ever.)

on social issues he's been solidly Eff You to the Republicans.


moonshaz February 26 2017, 01:52:03 UTC
Nice to see a governor resisting. Keep it up, Gov. McAuliffe (but rethink that pipeline thing, hey?).


blackjedii February 26 2017, 01:54:53 UTC
Oh don't worry - plenty of governors are currently giving Trumpabumple the finger. It's just more lolsy for Virgnia as it and Maryland are where DC'ans live so there is a lot of influence to be had.


itsplasticlove February 26 2017, 18:50:30 UTC
One of the few things I appreciate about living in this state is such a no nonsense governor with regards to social issues. I'm so nervous about the governor's race in November because he's been one of the only things holding this state back from passing a bunch of conservative discriminatory shit. Idk yet who in the democratic primary I'm going to vote for.


blackjedii February 26 2017, 18:57:59 UTC
I think it will largely depend on how much of an uprising there is against Trump and for how long it lasts. A lot of people aren't happy with McAuliffe (me included in some respects) but well... Trump.

IIRC - the frontrunner for Repubs is the same guy who ran against Warner in the '14 Senate race. He's a libertarian instead of a conservative but they're hopeful because that was supposed to be easy for Warner to win and he squeaked it. The frontrunner (right now) for Dems is Tom Perrielo. Who is an absolute sweetheart and was in Congress between '08 - '10 when the Tea Party happened. I am just worried that he's actually TOO genuine for politics and so is gonna get torn to shreds.


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