On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right

Feb 22, 2017 18:44

What happens when a movement of gamers recognizes they’re not players, but pawns?

By Laurie PennyHave you heard the one about the boy who cried Fake News ( Read more... )

race / racism, opinion piece, nazism, conservatives, sexism, people suck, islamophobia

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Comments 8

yamamanama February 23 2017, 02:52:11 UTC
He still has a defense force, unfortunately.


jamethiel_bane February 23 2017, 05:28:02 UTC
She uses Tamir Rice as a punchline and although she says "he's threatened to sue me if I say he's racist" she doesn't immediately follow that up with "His gleeful co-ordination of horrific racist and misogynist abuse of Leslie Jones" or any of the other myriad ways that he's been just awful.

There comes a time when it's all "Look, stop giving them sympathy and a platform. They don't get you feeling sorry for them. I don't care how much they're hurting, the hurt they inflict on others means they've forfeited consideration."

I think Karnythia's right on this one:

@PennyRed Yet you failed to explicitly point out the harm they have done & want to do to actual people. You humanized them not the victims
- Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) February 22, 2017


fka February 23 2017, 05:57:31 UTC
milo is getting just the kind of attention he wants. like, great that S&S finally cancelled his book deal, but he should have never been given attention to begin with. this plays right into his victim narrative. his book will get published and he'll get a bigger cut of the profits than he would have under S&S. most people who don't spend all day on social media didn't know who he was, but the coverage that came from his bill maher appearance, as well as this pedo shit, is only going to make him more popular.


hikerpoet February 23 2017, 13:13:54 UTC
"people who don't spend all day on social media didn't know who he was"

Or read or trust mainstream media, apparently--I first read of him in the New York Times, years ago.


djenk February 23 2017, 07:00:53 UTC
"They skipped this bit in the Disney movie, but, in the books, Peter kills them."

No, he doesn't. This is pure fiction. Disney is certainly guilty of prettying up and Bowdlerizing the source material it borrows from, but this did not happen in J.M. Barrie's plays/books. Sounds more like Marc Andreyko's graphic novel " The Lost"


queerbychoice February 23 2017, 09:48:36 UTC
There is a line in the books that has sometimes been interpreted this way, although its true meaning is unclear:



blackjedii February 23 2017, 12:07:45 UTC

By Laurie Penny


no thank you


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