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Comments 6

amw February 20 2017, 22:45:35 UTC
That first article is painfully America-centric. It literally made me cringe reading it. Imo it's fear-mongering at the level of talk radio wingnuts to imply that all terrorism in the world is about striking back at America. You can dress it up in some kind of faux-lefty "down with American imperialism" costume, but it's still looking at the world through red-white-and-blue sunglasses ( ... )


moonshaz February 20 2017, 23:47:27 UTC
Agreed. Very well stated.


sakuraberries February 21 2017, 03:25:46 UTC
I don't think it's that simple. I think it's 100% accurate American's actions around the world have engendered hatred towards it, particularly in the countries it's decimated (and continues to bomb). And its support for Israel definitely isn't winning it friends. The article is America-centric because America is the center of the world right now - its policies affect countries and people worldwide, and it is the primary cause of misery for countries like Yemen ( ... )


amw February 26 2017, 13:07:09 UTC
As I said below, thanks for the thoughtful response. I read it and appreciated it at the time - it's just been such a crazy week I never got around to following up while my mind was where it was :) To be continued, haha!


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