Liberal Hatred for Susan Sarandon is a Symptom of People Who Refuse to Acknowledge Their Own Failure

Feb 16, 2017 20:09

Oscar-winning actor and progressive activist Susan Sarandon sparked a good deal of controversy during the primary stage of the presidential election when she expressed doubt to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes about whether she could bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton in a “lesser-of-two-evils” situation. It was a common question at that time among ( Read more... )

liberal democrats, liberals, democratic party

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Comments 32

redstar826 February 17 2017, 22:16:46 UTC
I honestly don't give a shit one way or the other about Sarandon and I think the post-election discussions haven't been all that useful for a while now. Too much of a blame game for my liking.

Meanwhile, there has been a political awakening on the left which has risen up in opposition to form the kind of resistance that hasn’t been seen in U.S. life in decades. For progressives, it remains a distinct possibility that this debacle will result in a strengthened political left...I feel so conflicted about the current state of things. Because, on the one hand, as a leader of a grassroots org we've suddenly gifted with more volunteers and attention than we know what to do with. On the other hand, it obviously sucks that it took the election of Trump for this to happen. I'm scared for people I care about. And as someone who relies on my state's medicaid expansion to stay sane/alive, I'm pretty fucking terrified as to what will happen if that goes away ( ... )


blackjedii February 18 2017, 00:06:48 UTC

like I am so frustrated that it takes Donald Freaking Trump for people to wake up, given that we've needed political activism from the left since 2009 when the Tea Party decided to organize. Like, w2go people the train left the station a long time ago but at least we still have a subway system.

And I'm also worried bc I really don't know if people can keep this going for 4+ years which is what we need to flip houses around.

But the Repubs have more than enough rope to hang themselves. Like that whole "repeal Obamacare" business that is going over like a house on fire.


rainbows_ February 17 2017, 22:37:32 UTC
lol this post is going better than expected, especially compared to the last ONTD post on Susan Sarandon


amw February 17 2017, 23:54:59 UTC
Sometimes I wish the fascist mods on the mothership would approve my membership so I could comment on the nonsense people post there. Then I realize the best of the bunch ended up here anyway :D


moonshaz February 18 2017, 04:21:53 UTC

I don't understand why they don't approve you. But their loss is rhis comm's gain--I'm loving your posts here!


soleiltropiques February 18 2017, 19:39:15 UTC
You too, huh?

I tried to join about a year ago and got rejected. Still don't know why (there was a post where people were being super gross that I would have liked to comment on to point out how gross a lot of people were being, but yeah).


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