Nation Ready for Democrats to Screw with the Working Class as Soon as Possible.

Feb 06, 2017 23:24

Experimental Four Eight Year Reality TV Show Has Negative Effect on Nation. Vending Machines Stealing Our Jobs!

Don’t Side With Neoliberalism in Opposing Trump
In opposing Trump, we must not slip into defending neoliberalism.During the Bernie Sanders campaign I heard a high-level official give a powerful speech blasting the Trans-Pacific ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, capitalism, australia, corporations, democratic party, economics, working class, election 2016, america fuck yeah, trade, economy, technology / computers, middle class, deregulation, developing countries, usa, workers rights, donald trump, invisible hand of the free market, democrats, elections

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Comments 1

shortsweetcynic February 7 2017, 11:33:55 UTC
“People are riveted.” How never-ending political turmoil is dragging down American workers’ productivity

it's getting better, but i didn't get a damn thing done the week after the inauguration (and the day of, i was so wound up all i could do was pace my house and cry). shit is so bananas right now.


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