Little Donnie shows his ass, bigly

Feb 04, 2017 19:13

Trump Inches The U.S. Closer To Constitutional Crisis

WASHINGTON ― The morning after a federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of a travel ban targeting seven Muslim-majority countries, President Donald Trump did what he often does when faced with a challenge: He launched a personal attack on Twitter at someone he saw as an opponent.

The ( Read more... )

fail, court/federal court, immigration, stupid people, democracy doesnt work that way, twitter, donald trump, facepalm, incompetence

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Comments 12

blackjedii February 5 2017, 02:20:27 UTC
He's still stinging from losing that other case about paying people from his golf course, I expect.


moonshaz February 5 2017, 03:43:54 UTC
No doubt.


mhfromnh February 5 2017, 02:30:13 UTC
and a bunch of people are about to show their asses to his buildings.

that gif tho...that little racist prick? pass.


moonshaz February 5 2017, 03:45:41 UTC
Hee hee, that's right! I had forgotten about that one. (Probably because I have no intention of taking part, lol.)

Who is the little racist prick in the gif? I used it because what he was saying fit my state of mind at the time. I have no idea who he is.


mhfromnh February 5 2017, 04:14:24 UTC
Tyler Oakley. he used to be on the ONTD mothership and stole one of my quips.


moonshaz February 5 2017, 15:59:20 UTC

Never heard of him, sorry!


meadowphoenix February 5 2017, 02:47:45 UTC
“Even [former President Abraham] Lincoln was pretty respectful of [Chief Justice Roger] Taney,” Posner wrote in an email, referring to the former Supreme Court justice who delivered the majority opinion in the 1857 Dred Scott case, which said people of African ancestry couldn’t be U.S. citizens.

Really unsure why Posner would lie like this, when he should know that Taney called Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus obviously unconstitutional when he was acting circuit court judge for Maryland (as chief scotuses used to do), and Lincoln went, "lol this is civil war, try me bitch" in a July 4th speech like President Whitemore in Independence Day and Congress had to pass a law validating Lincoln's executive action to avoid a constitutional crisis.


hudebnik February 5 2017, 11:56:35 UTC
It's entirely appropriate to "seek an emergency stay" of the judicial order, although one would be expected to show evidence that there was an "emergency", and that irreparable harm was likely to result if the existing vetting procedure -- which hasn't let any known terrorists into the U.S. from the named countries in the past however-many years -- stays in place for another month or two.

It's reasonable for the President to express his disagreement with a court decision and his intent to appeal it.

It is utterly inappropriate for the President to suggest, without any evidence, that a sitting judge doesn't deserve that title, or that he shouldn't be allowed to issue such an order. "What is our country coming to?" A system of checks and balances, not a dictatorship.

I suspect he had heard the phrase "independent judiciary" before, but never really thought about the implications until it decided to be independent *of him*.


jeeelim5 February 5 2017, 13:17:18 UTC

It's interesting seeing how my country's media is reacting to 45, and it delights me to see them go in on him. Most of the political pundits I've seen have dragged him and his administration, calling them fascist and pointing out the hypocrisy of the country of immigrants refusing immigrants. Can't say the same about the government though since they're willing to let Donnie boy steamroll all over them.

Also, they're like 99 percent sure he's going to get impeached. Hope the repubs grow a spine and do it quick because if seeing all the crap our own president pulled is any indicator, the quicker you kick him out, the better. I can see Small Hands doing a lot of the things PGH did to silence opposition (he's already done some of it).


moonshaz February 5 2017, 18:11:26 UTC
You're Korean, right? (Just want to be sure what country we're talking about here, lol.) At any rate, thanks for posting this. I'm always interested to hear what people in other parts of the world think about the US ( ... )


jeeelim5 February 6 2017, 01:17:02 UTC
Yup, Korean :) I think the media here is especially critical of Donnie because we're going through the process of removing a delusional, dictator-like president ourselves. (Like father, like daughter ugh). There's actually quite a lot of mentions about Bannon, more than I'd expected, because the Korean media see him in the same "mastermind controlling the president" capacity as Choi Soon Sil did for Park Geun Hye ( ... )


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