U.S. Senate confirms Tillerson as secretary of state

Feb 01, 2017 13:55

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed Rex Tillerson as President Donald Trump's secretary of state on Wednesday, filling a key spot on the Republican's national security team despite concerns about the former Exxon Mobil Corp chief executive officer's ties to Russia.

I personally apologize to all the countries we'll [continue] bombing for oil )

diplomacy, white supremacy, state department, republicans. lol, oil

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Comments 16

blackjedii February 1 2017, 22:07:14 UTC

marky mark

mark warner brothers and warner sister

this is why you barely won re-election last time do not count on it happening again


itsplasticlove February 2 2017, 18:05:17 UTC
I just contacted his office saying essentially the same thing. Unfortunately he's not up for re-election until 2020 but I will not forget. Pathetic.


sweetmizre February 1 2017, 22:26:30 UTC
With each passing day I hate people who didn't vote for Hillary more and more. I don't even give a single fuck if it wasn't in a swing state.

So over it.

Over. It.


moonshaz February 1 2017, 23:33:30 UTC
I know what you mean. I don't exactly hate those people myself, but I do feel like smacking them around!


sabrinita February 2 2017, 01:29:57 UTC
I am finding it a bit frustrating too, even as someone who was pretty pro-Bernie in the beginning. I had my issues with Hillary, but Trump definitely stood out as the candidate with bigger issues.

..and those 'worst fear' scenarios that I thought of before Trump was elected? Yeah, he's outstripped my expectations even more than that X_X


zukpager305 February 2 2017, 02:14:55 UTC


blackjedii February 1 2017, 23:42:54 UTC
So apparently tonight Mark Warner introduced a bill to codify the members of the NSC


Which only makes me slightly less upset, as it makes me think his Tillerson vote was so he could get away with doing this on the sly. He announced it on his FB feed and is getting a whole bunch of flack for Tillerson so... idk.

TBH this has been such a disastuh that I have to laugh. In the dark. With gothic candles.


sayuridoll February 1 2017, 23:44:43 UTC
i hate everything.


flyingpigs_live February 2 2017, 03:03:19 UTC

is it true, though, that we just need one more GOP senator to say no to DeVos before she goes down? i read that 2 switched to no.


honorh February 2 2017, 03:12:52 UTC
Yep. Murkowski and Collins flipped on her, making it a tie that Pence would have to break, so they just need one more to shoot her down.


mhfromnh February 2 2017, 05:25:56 UTC
who can we lobby?


honorh February 2 2017, 21:41:37 UTC
CP'd from the Slacktivist's page: Word from NC's Thom Tillis's office is he's UNDECIDED ON BETSY DEVOS & wants to hear from people. Here are the numbers:
(919) 856-4630
(202) 224-6342

Also, both NE senators seem to be officially undecided. Pat Toomey said he thinks DeVos is a great pick, and can thus eat a bee.


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