At least 94 psychiatric patients died of negligence in South Africa last year

Feb 01, 2017 20:46

At least 94 psychiatric patients died of negligence in South Africa last year after they were moved from a licensed home to unregistered facilities, the health ombudsman said on Wednesday, sparking public outrage.

About 1,300 psychiatric patients were moved from a unit of the Life Healthcare Group to charities during last year in a cost-cutting ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, deaths, fuckery, mental health / illness, health care, south africa, incompetence, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth

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Comments 1

butterthetoast February 1 2017, 20:34:21 UTC
This is so disgusting. When the money for health care becomes scarce, it's always the mental health system that suffers first. It seems governments all over the world feel like care for the mentally ill is an extravagance. And the fact that they were warned and all the litigation beforehand... I despair sometimes.


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