Compromise does not work with our political opponents. When will we learn?

Jan 26, 2017 11:16

In Chelsea Manning’s first column since her commutation, she writes that Barack Obama’s legacy is a warning against not being bold enough ( Read more... )

chelsea manning, barack obama

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Comments 7

lightframes January 27 2017, 00:54:21 UTC
She's right.


tilmon January 27 2017, 02:13:20 UTC
There's nothing to argue against. I can only hope that she is actually allowed to leave prison, that Trump doesn't find a way to silence her again, because her vision and voice are needed right now.


spiritoftherain January 27 2017, 02:26:44 UTC
I'm so glad she's out. Thank you Obama for freeing her. It feels good to have her words out in the open.


spyral_out January 27 2017, 12:57:21 UTC
She's not out until May.


backincharge January 27 2017, 12:43:04 UTC
I hope this message gets through. No more of these republican-lite democrats who the right walks all over.

We need a relentless democrat who doesn't cave in, paints right-wing politics for what it really is, etc. We really need a new FDR/LBJ (both had their negatives with the Japanese internment camps and the Vietnam War, but you know what I mean).

That could have been Bernie but his refusal to go negative was his biggest weakness imo. Had he gone negative on Clinton early on, didn't dismiss her emails, drove home the fact the Clinton's policies have been harmful to the AA community, etc he probably could have beaten her. I do think he would have been tougher on the right though.


evildevil January 27 2017, 15:50:41 UTC

lots of work to be done


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