Brave Ultra Wealthy 1% Ready to Fight Fascism from Their Mansion in Remote Private Island.

Jan 26, 2017 21:56

Army of Buttlers to Assist in Fetching Provisions While Peasants are Left to Fend Off Orange Threat. Private Jets Ready to Depart to New Land of Freedom.

Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich
Some of the wealthiest people in America-in Silicon Valley, New York, and beyond-are getting ready for the crackup of civilization.Steve Huffman, the thirty-three ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, capitalism, corporations, doomsday, inequality, not the onion, new zealand, economics, poverty, america fuck yeah, socialism, economy, social media, technology / computers, middle class, wealth, national security, insurance, oligarchy, money, fascism, populism, class, money talks, invisible hand of the free market, politics, new yorker

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Comments 4

blackjedii January 26 2017, 19:58:44 UTC
yeah dudes have fun with your money when your toilet in the wilderness backs up

Just think how much better their life would be if they'd helped invest in getting better people in government instead of adding more to their own wallets just sayin


tilmon January 27 2017, 02:19:31 UTC
I believe the inevitable scenario was illustrated in Bob the Angry Flower several years ago.


blackjedii January 27 2017, 02:24:53 UTC
There are always some people you want to keep around at any costs. The guy who fixes your car, the guy who makes food, the guy who picks up your trash, and the guy who fixes your indoor plumbing.


roseembolism January 27 2017, 03:32:23 UTC
These are clowns who don't understand how governments collapse. Absent a disaster that kills everybody (See Thera), governments take decades to fall, and regional local governments still limp along. They will still be around when he needs to hide, and any of those can bring more weapons to bear than one paranoid hermit. I bet nobody's asked them if their compounds can withstand a Hellfire missile.

And that guy who said he could handle assaults because his bodyguards would be in the tower with rifles. So...the guards are going to be the ones with guns? Are they going to be allowed to bring along all their family and friends? And what are they going to pay their guards with?

It would almost be worth a collapse, to see the rich guy's face when he realizes that it's the guys with the guns who are actually in charge...


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