Texas lawmaker sends letter to "Islamic Leaders" surveying their beliefs

Jan 20, 2017 06:38

Ahead of Texas Muslim Capitol Day scheduled for later this month, freshman state Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, sent a letter to mosque leaders and Muslim student associations across the state asking them to fill out a poll about their beliefs ( Read more... )

muslims, fuck this guy, islamophobia, texas

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Comments 3

lone_concertina January 20 2017, 16:04:41 UTC
In case anyone reads this and is from Austin or the surrounding area, Muslim Solidarity ATX is begging people to show up and be allies on January 31 for Muslim Day at the Capitol. There's already a counterprotest scheduled by some bigots and there was a guy at my DSA meeting last night trying to recruit people to make sure they're not outnumbered by the counterprotestors.

More info here if you're interested: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1279514672109889/


amyura January 21 2017, 05:20:59 UTC
I sincerely hope NOBODY fills that damn survey out.


lightframes January 21 2017, 16:36:39 UTC
During the last legislative session, former state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, left instructions for her staff to ask Muslim visitors to her office on Texas Muslim Capitol Day to declare allegiance to the United States.

Nobody thought to tell this troll she can't do that?


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