Rick Perry misunderstood Energy Secretary job

Jan 19, 2017 05:56

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry misunderstood the administration post that President-elect Donald Trump nominated him for, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

In a report getting attention on social media, the Times said that Perry accepted the nomination to be Energy Secretary "believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the ( Read more... )

wtf, fail, energy, nuclear weapons, stupid people, rick perry, not the onion, science, donald trump, facepalm, incompetence, nuclear energy

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Comments 7

executivehpfan January 19 2017, 17:03:31 UTC
If I ever start feeling positively about my home state, I can always count on Rick Perry to come along and fuck it all up

God we're so doomed


hikerpoet January 19 2017, 18:08:38 UTC

It was bad enough in '12, but did he not make a mental note the first time he was mocked for this? My 7 year old knows what these departments do...

Does Zinke think he will be picking out swatches and hanging curtains?


bella_cheval January 19 2017, 18:51:10 UTC
I had a long rant written out but I just deleted it and am waving my hands in the air and making incoherent noises. Appropriate icon is appropriate.


moonshaz January 19 2017, 20:53:54 UTC
Love the icon. Here's another one to echo its sentiments.


bnmc2005 January 19 2017, 21:54:19 UTC
Trump and his people really are just putting butts in seats.

It makes me wonder who they think will actually be running these departments that their own appointees know NOTHING about.

I mean it feels like a script by now.

"Hey who hates public education the most - hire her. Then we can get rid of all that public education garb-"

Sir, we can't actually get rid of Public schools"

"We can if she says so... Homeschooling for everyone... and didn't Perry say he would get rid of the Dept. of Energy - WHO NEEDS IT? Hire him for that."

"Sir - we can't just get rid the Dept. of Ener- "

"Yes, we can. We have LOTs OF Energy! WE CAN TAKE IT FROM IRAQ."

"Sir - that's not actually what the Dept. of Energy does- "


sabrinita January 20 2017, 01:30:40 UTC
Well the New York Jets owner is apparently going to be the US envoy to the UK..


layweed January 20 2017, 03:21:06 UTC


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