Rep. John Lewis: Trump Is Not A ‘Legitimate President’

Jan 14, 2017 01:43

Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) does not consider the presidency of Donald Trump “legitimate,” he said in an interview with NBC News that appeared Friday ( Read more... )

electoral malfeasance, inauguration, election 2016, donald trump, hillary clinton, john lewis, conspiracies

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Comments 9

beuk January 14 2017, 16:55:58 UTC
Twitter blowing up in response to Donald's stupid remarks on Lewis. Esp because it is MLK holiday weekend.


lollycunt January 14 2017, 17:04:35 UTC
don't you mean "great americans day"


moonshaz January 14 2017, 21:23:42 UTC


And that he would pick on a civil rights icon like Lewis that way just shows how grosssly ignorant he is. Geez,  Donnie, why don't you go piss on MLK'S grave while you're at it? Just in case you haven't already offended enough people.

Trump's stupidity and poor judgment would be laughable IF he wasn't going to be potus in less than a week. As it is, he just gave us yet another reminder of how disastrously unqualified he is for the job he's about to undertake. Like we weren't already horrified enough.


invisiblegirlx January 14 2017, 18:34:04 UTC

well he's not wrong. trump is only president because of Russia and the fbi putting their thumbs on the scales. also, the irony of trump being so offended by people doing what he did for 8 years to Obama is delicious, if not monumentally depressing.  cause there was never any reason to question Obama but many reasons to question him


moonshaz January 14 2017, 21:03:15 UTC

Iawtc, 100%.


blackjedii January 15 2017, 00:43:52 UTC
Well that and Clinton didn't campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin at all until the final lap and eve then, didn't really make a hardcore effort herself. And had turned away all advice and data from Bernie supporters who were sounding alarms. And spent more time fundrasing with wealthy donors (who btw the electorate was pretty anti-big money donors this time) than out in the boonies. And relied too much on data and assumptions that those who supported Obama would definitely come out again for the Ds. And the whole wasting time in Arizona and super-red states bit, that too. I could go on.

Like - I am really, really unhappy about a Trump win. But the reasons he won are multifacted and can't be simplified to Russia / emails / -isms. A lot of bad things happened to hamper the Cinton campaign, some of which was self-inflicted and likewise the media was willing to forgive Trump a lot of transgressions just so long as they were getting good ratings.


invisiblegirlx January 15 2017, 01:03:59 UTC
i agree that the clinton campaign made some poor choices. they didnt listen when for months people were warning she could lose the very places she did. but trump win very narrowly in a few critical states. she was comfortably ahead in the swing states before the comey letter. i do think the leaks and the way they were covered and the letter toppled her teppid support. yes her campaign made errors but i definitely believe she could have won the three states she needed if people had not been early voting just as the letter hit.


bombay January 14 2017, 19:26:09 UTC

blackjedii January 15 2017, 00:47:02 UTC

Don't want the drama. Just want the Dems to get the heads out of their asses and focus on getting a functional 2018 ground game. And preferably a strategy to oppose Trump that involves legal matters and not jut red scaring the shit outta people.

Like please y'all. Please. It's gonna be a shitty enough 2 years as it is.


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