Can Donald Trump really be a compromised agent of Russian influence?

Jan 11, 2017 23:10

During the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, American parents found politics to be a painfully embarrassing subject to discuss in front of their children. The TV news stayed off at dinner time. But even before taking office, Donald Trump has surpassed Bill Clinton. The details of what’s said to have taken place in a Moscow hotel room with a group of ( Read more... )

russia, spying, putin on the ritz, corruption, donald trump, this is gonna be good, how to win friends and influence people, puttin the ontd in ontd_political

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Comments 10

sugartitty January 12 2017, 02:30:26 UTC
This is all very salacious and delightful but it seems useless given that it's only being made public less than ten days before Trump is inaugurated. I needed this shit WAY out there back before certain segments of American voters kicked all of us in the nuts and threw us overboard. Honestly it seems like some of his advisors will take the fall if this turns out to be true, but Tr*mp will miraculously keep his tiny orange hands clean again. Someone give me a crumb of hope.


mhfromnh January 12 2017, 04:16:02 UTC
frankly, I hope shit like this leaks hours before each and every one of his public appearances for the rest of time. only hours though, as to catch him and his handlers completely off-guard.


honorh January 12 2017, 05:22:29 UTC
I just want it to become so much of an embarrassment to the Republicans who've bent over for Tr*mp that they'll never recover.


amw January 12 2017, 06:54:29 UTC
This story has helped reaffirm my faith in the media to be honest. They all had this document months ago, but they didn't publish it because they couldn't corroborate any of the claims. It seems like the only reason it became news now, is because it made its way up to a presidential briefing. There is perhaps still no smoking gun, but we know that after several months of investigation intelligence agencies now take the allegations seriously enough to think informing the president "on the record" is worthwhile ( ... )


invisiblegirlx January 12 2017, 05:21:27 UTC
I think Trump teamed up with the Russians way back when he first decided he wanted to get revenge on Obama and run for President cause he is really that petty. I think his people were and still are getting their intelligence from Russia.


zukpager305 January 12 2017, 17:30:29 UTC
Which is why he doesn't attend the US Intel briefings. He gets it all from Russia.


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