Sander's Wing to Reject Agent Orange Face. Timid Dems Still Redbaiting Public to Hide Defeat.

Dec 26, 2016 23:09

Clueless Establishment & Neoliberal Wall Street Democratic Party Continues to Pretend Like Orange Cancer Was Just an Anomaly.

Young Sanders Campaign Aides Plan Anti-Trump Permanent Protest Base in Washington
The District 13 House will take creative resistance to the capital.The organizers behind Millennials for Bernie are raising money to create ( Read more... )

corporate welfare, capitalism fuck yeah, liberals, democratic party, inequality, economics, wall street, blue dogs, disasters, poverty, america fuck yeah, socialism, economy, conservatives, deregulation, oligarchy, race / racism, climate change, workers rights, donald trump, activism, democrats, eat the rich, capitalism, bipartisan my ass, corporations, clusterfuck, working class, keith ellison, election 2016, oh not this shit again, womens rights, middle class, democratic national committee/convention, fuckery, bernie sanders, money, classism, populism, class, money talks, politics, hillary clinton

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Comments 1

backincharge December 29 2016, 15:59:18 UTC
lol and clueless dem hacks online keep trying to come after Bernie when he's the only one calling Trump out on his bullshit.

Hopefully in 2020 we get what we should have gotten this year, Trump vs. Bernie.


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