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Comments 8

moonshaz December 26 2016, 02:13:25 UTC
Given this week's theme, it seems appropriate to share this here!


mhfromnh December 26 2016, 02:42:13 UTC
I've been singing this all month


sabrinita December 26 2016, 17:22:19 UTC
I remember hearing You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch driving home from work a day or two after the election and literally thinking 'this could easily be adapted for Trump, I wonder if anyone's done that yet?' and then coming home and looking it up and stumbling on this video XD


maynardsong December 26 2016, 02:49:31 UTC
I went to one of my family friend's houses for Christmas. We're Hindu rather than Christian, so we did a pooja before lunch. After we came home, I worked out, then we did dinner and opened presents. I mostly unwrapped the souvenirs I bought when I was in France last weekend. And my family opened my Gewurztraminer wine that I bought in Alsace. And I ate gingerbread cookies from the same region. Huzzah!
Now I'm hammering out logistics of the trip I want to take in April.


lovedforaday December 26 2016, 02:52:10 UTC

lovedforaday December 26 2016, 03:19:03 UTC
wow, how prescient


ladycyndra December 26 2016, 06:45:22 UTC
This year just needs to end. We went and saw Rogue One and I LOVED it! Today, we drove around, looking at Christmas lights. They are so pretty but our street is boring as hell! No one decorated. Fireworks are already going off and I heard them in November!


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