Clinton’s Lead Approaches 3 Mill. Votes;Trump Tweets He Would’ve Won Popular Vote Had He Wanted To

Dec 21, 2016 17:24

It appears that President-Elect Donald Trump cannot let go of the fact that he won the Electoral College, but not the popular vote.

The final presidential election results are in, and according to Cook Political Report, Trump got a raw vote total of 62,979,636 (46.1%) while his opponent Hillary Clinton got 65,844,610 votes (48.2). Ergo, Clinton ( Read more... )

cry moar, bawww, this is why we cant have nice things, election 2016, crybabies, twitter, donald trump, hillary clinton, facepalm, drama

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Comments 15

lord_cellytron December 22 2016, 00:56:07 UTC
I can't wait until he hits his first major challenge (likely on January 21 at 6:59 AM) and it becomes clear that no one cares how "big league" he won; now he has to buckle down and actually DO something. Winning is only the BEGINNING of the presidency, Cheeto.


sinsterminister December 22 2016, 01:28:02 UTC
Eh. If his presidency is anything like his 'business' career, he'll leave any real work or decisions up to someone else.

Much as I disagreed with nearly everything that happened under GWB, he was really just a suit in front of a bunch of other guys doing the heavy lifting. Cheney, Alberto Gonzalez, Rove, etc. were the real ones in charge.


executivehpfan December 22 2016, 01:44:19 UTC
I really don't know how I'm going to stomach the next four years


blackjedii December 22 2016, 02:18:18 UTC
there's a new Zelda, a new Depeche Mode album, and a new Stephen Chow movie coming

idk i have my expectations so low i'm relieved if i just get like, a decent hamburger every once in a while :/


sabrinita December 22 2016, 23:12:59 UTC Depeche Mode album? I have not heard about this until now!


sabrinita December 22 2016, 23:13:22 UTC Depeche Mode album? I have not heard about this until now!


flyingpigs_live December 22 2016, 03:07:03 UTC
i'm sure this asshole's ego hates that most Americans don't actually want him for President.


moonshaz December 22 2016, 05:47:31 UTC
Yes, I'm sure he can't stand it. Otherwise, he wouldn't make so much noise on Twitter about it. He's incredibly freaking transparent about it, lol.


pennylane101 December 22 2016, 15:41:23 UTC
he totes didn't want to win the polular vote


ioplokon December 24 2016, 02:00:12 UTC


angelmaye December 23 2016, 01:35:20 UTC
I know you are but what am I!?


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