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Comments 2

flake_sake December 21 2016, 08:35:50 UTC
I just wanted to whack this entitled hipster dipshit over the head. There are no misogynists on the left? What a complete moron.

I'm glad that is not really, how all left leaning socialist people think. If it was I could never vote for a left leaning politician again.

When the alternative is Trump you frickin swallow the toad. A lot of conservatives in my country just swallowed a toad voting for a green candidate to avoid putting a Trump-like nazi into office and I highly respect them. People on the left, who feel so insanly entitled to the ultimate moral highground that the abstained from voting Clinton in this election? They kinda deserve Trump. Unfortunately they are dragging the whole world down in the process.


lightframes December 21 2016, 23:54:09 UTC
The "Building the Movement We Need" section was really good. We don't need to stop talking about our separate identities in favor of economic progress - we can do both. We can have solidarity among different groups. It's possible.


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