Electoral College rubber stamps election of Voldemort

Dec 19, 2016 20:48

Which, lbr, we all knew was going to happen. But it still sucks.

Donald Trump Completes Final Lap, Electoral College, to White House

The Electoral College has affirmed Donald J. Trump as the nation’s 45th president, pushing him past the 270-vote threshold for election, with scant evidence of the anti-Trump revolt among electors that some of his ( Read more... )

god damn, thank you! fuck you!, shit just got real, doomsday, pennsylvania, election 2016, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, wisconsin, john kasich, texas, bernie sanders, new york, this is why we cant have nice things, arizona, mississippi, tennessee, michigan, donald trump, hillary clinton, georgia (the state)

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Comments 10

pairatime December 20 2016, 09:08:23 UTC
Honestly I'm glad they voted the way they did. I don't like Trump and expect the next four years to be troubling but I fear that had the electors voted other than with the majorities of their state it would had created trouble that would last far longer than four years.


4o5pastmidnight December 20 2016, 10:17:25 UTC
Yeah, as much as I hate this, if they rebelled on a large scale it would be trouble for everyone. I think we need to get rid of the electoral college for sure, but having electors vote against the will of the people is bad news.


pairatime December 20 2016, 10:42:13 UTC
Yes the last thing we need now is the idea that the electors can do anything they want. They were always meant to reflect their state and they need to keep doing that.

As for electoral college as a whole, until we come up with something that wouldn't have just as many problems I don't think we should get rid of it but I would like more states (like mine) follow Nebraska and Maines example.


shahar December 20 2016, 12:15:47 UTC
I agree, but I wished he would have lost more electors. It would have further emphasized that he doesn't have a mandate. Clinton lost more, and I think Trump will spin that in his favor.


A few gifs to sum up my feelings 4o5pastmidnight December 20 2016, 10:38:22 UTC

... )


Re: A few gifs to sum up my feelings moonshaz December 20 2016, 11:16:37 UTC
I feel you on all of those!

Here a few more gifs showing how I feel!

... )


fka December 20 2016, 13:48:01 UTC
the electors who tried voting for bernie over hillary are the true heroes


mimblexwimble December 20 2016, 15:12:09 UTC
More people actually switched votes from Hillary than from Trump...imagine not even wanting to do the least that you possibly could.


mhfromnh December 20 2016, 16:24:18 UTC
they deserve some flak for that, the idiots.


ladycyndra December 20 2016, 19:06:19 UTC
Civil disobedience, orange motherfucker!


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