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Comments 8

mimblexwimble December 17 2016, 14:34:12 UTC
Ah, so it's begun.


honorh December 17 2016, 20:04:13 UTC
Eva Bartlett has made some very questionable claims: http://www.snopes.com/syrian-war-victims-are-being-recycled-and-al-quds-hospital-was-never-bombed/

Long story short: Her claims about Assad being the choice of the Syrian people are based on an election that was anything but free, Doctors Without Borders confirms Al Quds Hospital was bombed, there is no reason to believe war victims are being "recycled," etc. She also writes for a Russian-backed paper. Frankly, she doesn't seem like an impartial source for information on what's really happening in Syria.


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honorh December 19 2016, 01:43:43 UTC
Point is, calling her an "independent" journalist and ignoring where her paycheck is coming from while taking what she says at face value could lead a person to some very wrong conclusions. I acknowledge that who she writes for isn't the strongest argument. However, given that her statements support the Assad regime, which is supported by Russia, it's enough to cast doubt that she's an impartial observer. And given that her statements contradict those of many who have been on the ground, I'm frankly suspicious of anything she has to say.


flake_sake December 17 2016, 23:01:06 UTC
Eva Bartlett is essentially a repressentative of the Syrian Assad regime, she writes a blog for Russia TV. It is very important to see this in context. Calling her "independent" is a joke.

The elections she's referring to, excluded everyone in the non regime controlled regions.


blackestforest December 17 2016, 23:53:36 UTC
Bashar al Assad took over after his father Hafez al Assad's death. He's ruled the country for 16 years, his father for 29. Whatever the Saudis, the Iranians, the US or the Russians would like to happen in Syria, "overwhelming support for Assad" reminds me of places like North Korea. Syria is about as fucked up as can be but Putin really isn't the good guy here.


evildevil December 18 2016, 03:08:36 UTC
True, but toppling Assad was a bad idea to start with.


belandlix December 18 2016, 07:22:54 UTC
This "article" literally lists conspiracy theory websites and Russian state propaganda as sources.

I know media literacy is a big problem, but it doesn't take that much effort to figure out whether something is a legitimate news source or not.


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mimblexwimble December 23 2016, 19:49:24 UTC
At the very least, don't push conspiracy theories and bullshit claims about bloodied children being "recycled" for propaganda videos as legitimate, just because they happen to be saying the complete opposite of sources you don't trust.


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