Insiders: Trump Team Dangled Ambassadorships to Lure A-List Inauguration Singers

Dec 14, 2016 23:18

President-elect Donald Trump’s team is struggling so hard to book A-list performers for his inaugural festivities that it offered ambassadorships to at least two talent bookers if they could deliver marquee names, the bookers told TheWrap.The bookers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they were approached by members of Trump’s ( Read more... )

when will your faves ever?, excuze me wtf r u doin, change we can believe in, you stay classy, cry moar, inauguration, capitalism fuck yeah, bawww, trying too hard, thank you! fuck you!, marco rubio levels of thirst detected, #gurrrrrrrrrrl, clusterfuck, not the onion, how to win friends and influence people, incompetence, america fuck yeah, puttin the ontd in ontd_political, no country for old white men, butthurt, appointments, scumbags, natural disaster, this is why we cant have nice things, lol wut, donald trump, fuck this guy, this is gonna be good, facepalm, schadenfreude, nation of whiners

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Comments 10

dumpweeds December 15 2016, 09:05:59 UTC
is that legal?


shortsweetcynic December 15 2016, 12:14:58 UTC
curious about that myself, but considering the rest of his cabinet, apparently experience and/or knowledge of the post doesn't actually matter? god, what a shitshow.


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lightframes December 16 2016, 00:42:34 UTC
Honestly, and I don't know if I should feel bad saying this, but I hope other countries ignore us more after this (if they can - I know our actions around the world have made it so countries who want to ignore us can't because our influence is too strong). We clearly don't deserve the "example of democracy" title - never really have. We need to get ourselves together and leave the rest of the world alone.


oncloud999 December 15 2016, 10:16:41 UTC
that's hilarious and embarrassing... for america.


sugartitty December 15 2016, 10:38:38 UTC
Kanye is totally going to be there. He wouldn't be able to resist an ambassadorship and “access to the administration.”


shortsweetcynic December 15 2016, 12:14:12 UTC

... )


moonshaz December 15 2016, 18:22:50 UTC

I completely agree. I haven't been able to so much as glance over the news headlines since Nov. 9 without wanting to facepalm, headdesk, or just plain tbrow my hands up and scream, "Wtf is wrong with people???"

Anyone who voted for Drumpf needs to have their head examined. What is happening right now is more kinds of wrong on more levels than I could have ever imagined.


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