Report Says Putin Was Directly Involved With Russian Interference In U.S. Election

Dec 14, 2016 21:11

U.S. intelligence officials say they believe Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved in efforts to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election, NBC News reported Wednesday.

NBC’s bombshell story comes days after The Washington Post reported that the Central Intelligence Agency believes Russia sought to influence the election and ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, russia, electoral malfeasance, guess who, technology / computers, flames on the side of my face, vladimir putin, fuckery, i can see russia from my house, election 2016, donald trump, hillary clinton, cia, republicans

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Comments 40

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lightframes December 15 2016, 05:10:09 UTC
Yeah but we need to stop meddling in other people's elections. People don't need to start meddling in ours.


browneyedguuurl December 15 2016, 05:19:38 UTC
MTE. Not so fun when others do it to you, huh, USA?


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lightframes December 15 2016, 05:12:42 UTC
Many top Republicans, however, declined Democratic requests to publicly condemn the hacks as they were taking place.

Because they don't care, they just wanted to win.

The Republican Party isn't a reasonable party. We can't expect anything out of them. They might have a few normal people but they can't be counted on for anything as a group.


fka December 15 2016, 06:10:40 UTC
okay, but what about the fact that those leaked emails exposed the clinton campaign's collusion with the dnc to fuck bernie over? what about the fact that donna brazile gave hillary the debate questions, giving her an unfair advantage over bernie?


moonshaz December 15 2016, 06:58:40 UTC
Okay, what about those things? I'm not trying to be contentious; I honestly don't understand what point you're trying to make.

Unless I'm missing something, the issues you raise are completely separate from the Russian hacking scandal. I'm not saying none of the stuff you mentioned is problematic or inappropriate; I'm just saying it seems like a completely different conversation to me.

On the one side, we're talking about things that went on during a political party's nominating process, and on the other, we're talking about a FOREIGN COUNTRY influencing the outcome of a US presidential election. Anything out of line the DNC may or may not have done, during the primaries or later, is a completely separate issue from Russia helping Drumpf win the election, and I don't see how any of them mitigates or cancels out the other. What Putin has done is an outrage, imo, and it would be an outrage no matter how clean or crooked either campaign or either political party's actions were during the election.


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Two wrongs don't make a right moonshaz December 16 2016, 01:10:23 UTC
The fact that the issues only came to light due to the hacking is neither here nor there. It certainly doesn't make the hacking even almost "okay." Nothing the DNC or the US has done mitigates, cancels out, or has any bearing on what Russia did or how wrong it was.

About the Palestine thing, I found the post, and unless I missed something, I can't find any comment where I said that HRC's meddling in Palestine's election was not a "cause for outrage nor a proof of corruption." I didn't say it was those things, either; I chose to focus on the question of who to vote for, arguing that the Palestine story was not a good enough reason to not vote for her, because the alternative was Trump. But I didn't say anything about the meddling itself or what I thought about it.
Take a look for yourself. If you see a post I missed, please let me know ( ... )


300mirov December 15 2016, 07:16:32 UTC
Путин сам хакнул систему?)
Не, ну вы чего на него бочку катите? Если вы считаете, что России выгоден Трамп и ему помогли, то не хотите ли вы обвинить свои спцслужбы, которые обязаны вас охранять, в полной некомпитентности и заставить отчитаться за расходы за последние пару лет. На что тратят деньги, если не способны защитить простые выборы?
А, вообще, если выборы прошли, то чего вы волну поднимаете? От этого что-то изменится?)


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300mirov December 15 2016, 11:11:53 UTC
И чего сразу оскорбления в мой адрес? Я с вами диалог пытаюсь вести, а вы сразу оскорбляете, или пытаетесь) как наши прям, неадекваты) либо либералы на всю голову, либо патриоты... Все одно.
В общем, вы утверждаете, без доказательств, что россияне на столько образованы, смекалисты и умны, что смогли нагнуть американскую систему, но для чего?
Трамп - темная лошадь. Даже табун коней. Никто не знает что от него ожидать, как вы не знаете, так и мы ждем шоу с его участием.
Честно признаться, по нашим новостям показывали кандидата, более похожего на русского, да. Но доказательств же нет) голословные обвинения...
Скажите, у вас демонстрации разгоняют?
А, вообще, судя по комментариям людей ваших, бывших наших, оба кандидата не вызывали восторга у граждан.


eveofrevolution December 15 2016, 14:53:13 UTC

sugartitty December 15 2016, 10:46:02 UTC
Republicans don't care so nothing will be done 🙃


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