Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham Unveil Bill To Stop Donald Trump From Ending Protections For Dreamers

Dec 09, 2016 17:00

WASHINGTON ― Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) unveiled legislation on Friday to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation under President-elect Donald Trump ― now the question is whether it will work.

The bipartisan bill, called the Bridge Act, would effectively maintain the protections of President Barack Obama’Read more... )

undocumented immigration, congress, lindsey graham, immigration

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Comments 7

eveofrevolution December 9 2016, 23:45:52 UTC
moonshaz December 10 2016, 00:57:33 UTC
Okay. I added the tag and amended my note, since it was no longer accurate.


eveofrevolution December 10 2016, 01:04:48 UTC

calinewarkwc69 December 9 2016, 23:47:03 UTC
I feel this creeping feeling that by the end of Trump's first (and only, please God) term, I'm gonna have a weird respect for some Republicans that I didn't want or ask for, but.....

This, for example, a microscopic sliver of respect.


simply_blah December 10 2016, 00:53:02 UTC
Man. Graham really does not like Trump. I can at least respect that he's not kowtowing to Trump like so many Repugnants have done. However, it's still Lindsey Graham and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.


moonshaz December 10 2016, 05:40:41 UTC
I know what you mean about not trusting him. The one thing I'm sure of, though, is his very strong and deep-rooted dislike of Trump. If there's any way whatsoever that he can fuck Trump up, I think he will. To which I say: yay.


sugartitty December 10 2016, 11:24:03 UTC
Lindsey Graham is my state's senator and man, I used to say terrible things about him but I'm now going to apologize for half of those things because he seems to be one of the few sane Republicans left.


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