American Robots Stealing Jobs from Hard Working Mexicans! Bot Promoted for Managerial Position.

Dec 08, 2016 22:45

"When Megatron sends its Decepticons, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending robots that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good robots!"

The CEO of United Technologies just let slip an unintended consequence of the Trump ( Read more... )

corporate welfare, suicide, mexico, capitalism fuck yeah, business, inequality, economics, america fuck yeah, economy, recession, unions, unemployment, workers rights, donald trump, white people, crime, taxes, eat the rich, capitalism, corporations, working class, drugs, fraud, election 2016, republicans, health, technology / computers, wealth, middle class, jobs, nafta, money, populism, corruption, money talks

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Comments 10

fka December 8 2016, 18:00:35 UTC
so no matter who we elect, we're doomed either way since robots and technological innovation are going to create a class of permanently unemployed individuals?


blackjedii December 8 2016, 23:51:42 UTC
~*free market society*~


evildevil December 9 2016, 02:21:44 UTC
It doesnt have to bee the same economic system. I support a cooperative run business with an universal basic income guarantee, at this point why not.


blackjedii December 9 2016, 02:58:38 UTC
It'll take the bottom falling out - which given Trump's team is probably going to happen sooner rather than later - for people to pretty much disavow Capitalism in a way that will force changes.

Then again, god forbid we go without our brand new iPhone 7 8 now with even LESS bang for your buck so... it's gonna hurt baad.


meadowphoenix December 9 2016, 14:22:09 UTC
Genuinely unsure what people thought the outcome of the industrial revolution, a time period which focused on efficiency, was going to be.


evildevil December 10 2016, 06:06:58 UTC
Technological unemployment, some people have been warning about the dangers of technology making work obsolete for centuries. It took a long time, but we are getting there.


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