NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio requesting $35 million for Trump Tower security for 74 days

Dec 05, 2016 19:15

New York City's mayor is asking the federal government for tens of millions of dollars to cover costs surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's security ( Read more... )

secret service, new york

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Comments 10

un_fantasma December 6 2016, 08:56:26 UTC

If Drumpf wants to go to his precious tower so badly he can deal with the lack of security. Fuck DeBlasio for entertaining this idea and wasting tax dollars on this orange asshole. Yeah, sure, he's the president elect but he can deal with the white house considering all other presidents have. Prick.


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meadowphoenix December 6 2016, 15:02:55 UTC
Most elects start renting in DC, where the security measures are long-standing (eta: and where technically the bill is Congress' not a state's), and their first ladies don't like stay in another state.


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lafinjack December 7 2016, 08:10:03 UTC


blackestforest December 6 2016, 21:15:00 UTC
Didn't Trump very generously announce he was going to forego his presidential salary of $400,000 per year?


lafinjack December 7 2016, 08:09:45 UTC
So very kind.


mhfromnh December 6 2016, 23:45:19 UTC
send the bill to Il Douche.


soleiltropiques December 9 2016, 19:34:42 UTC
Ugh. This is really disgusting.


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