Army Corps Denies Easement For Dakota Access Pipeline

Dec 04, 2016 15:25

The Army Corps of Engineers has decided to deny a permit for the construction of a key section of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The decision essentially halts the construction on the 1,172-mile oil pipeline about half a mile south of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The decision is also a victory for the thousands of demonstrators across the ( Read more... )

native americans, north dakota, oil

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Comments 14

eveofrevolution December 4 2016, 23:29:29 UTC
namey December 5 2016, 00:17:36 UTC
Looked weird in the preview for me, but went with it. Currently looks right to me, but will check the real HTML... thought I got that damn caption...

Edit: Yeah, really think it's whatever weird CSS ontdp's got set up. Looks okay now there, and has bigger paragraph breaks everywhere else. >_>


eveofrevolution December 5 2016, 00:35:06 UTC

kate_mct December 4 2016, 23:31:35 UTC
While this sounds great, considering the history of promise keeping by the US Government and Army as regards to Native Americans, I wouldn't celebrate yet.


lightframes December 4 2016, 23:47:29 UTC
This is great news!


elenbarathi December 5 2016, 00:00:31 UTC
Hurray!! Here's another good article:

Call the White House and your representatives to tell them how you feel about this! The more public support, the more they'll be inclined to stand by it.


moonshaz December 5 2016, 00:30:53 UTC
I saw a post about this at the Mother Ship, and I came running right over here to see if it had been posted yet, lol! This is SO fucking awesome.


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