Wisconsin Agrees to Recount votes for POTUS

Nov 25, 2016 18:45

Updated at 5:55 p.m. ET

The Wisconsin Elections Commission announced Friday that it would hold a statewide recount of the presidential vote. The move was in response to petitions from two candidates, the Green Party's Jill Stein and independent Rocky Roque De La Fuente.

Federal law requires that all recounts be finished 35 days after the election ( Read more... )

wisconsin, donald trump, green party, michigan, hillary clinton, pennsylvania

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Comments 3

yamamanama November 26 2016, 12:01:45 UTC
So, what happens if there's evidence of manipulation or hacking but Trump still wins the electoral vote?


the_siobhan November 26 2016, 16:06:37 UTC
Probably the same thing that happened when Harper's government committed fraud to win the 2011 Canadian federal election.

(Spoiler: Absolutely nothing.)


ilouboutin November 26 2016, 18:37:28 UTC
Hillary's campaign just announced they'll participate in a recount effort


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