How much money is being spent to protect Trump in NYC?

Nov 22, 2016 12:53

Protecting President-elect Donald Trump and his family is costing New York City more than $1 million a day, according to three city officials.

And those costs won't necessarily drop significantly once he moves to the White House ( Read more... )

secret service, donald trump, taxes, new york

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Comments 30

invisiblegirlx November 22 2016, 23:20:07 UTC

but the Democrats waste sooooooo much money on useless stuff like the environment and schools and health care


nutmegdealer November 23 2016, 00:01:46 UTC
i know it's not even the point but the school year is two months old. it is not a big deal to get their asses down to dc.


mhfromnh November 23 2016, 01:13:36 UTC
or do it after the new year when the semester changes.


sassalicious November 23 2016, 05:28:25 UTC
Right? Kids fucking move all the time. I went to three schools in 3rd grade.


4o5pastmidnight November 23 2016, 06:01:46 UTC
I'm betting Melania wants to be as far away from Donald as possible, tbh


shadwing November 23 2016, 00:05:09 UTC
My money is that they never really started to look for schools for him till now.


quisinart4 November 23 2016, 13:29:51 UTC
Probably not. I think I remember hearing she asked Michelle about it when they met that Thursday after the election. Way to plan ahead, Melania. But then again she probably didn't think he'd win 😭


amyura November 23 2016, 17:37:56 UTC
And you know what? It'd be cheaper to hire a tutor or five for Barron than how much all this security is costing.

Course, as a teacher......I don't know a single member of our ranks who'd want to work for the Trumps.


mimblexwimble November 23 2016, 00:25:16 UTC
Didn't want to move to DC, shouldn't have run for president.


mhfromnh November 23 2016, 01:35:02 UTC
I mentioned this to my stepdad, who's a tad drunk, and somehow it's turned into "you're wasting time by researching how much things cost" nope, just stating facts.

also, Secret Service protecting Trumps in NYC? where will they be? oh right, Trump Tower, rent paid by the American people.


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