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Comments 6

scriptedending November 19 2016, 06:51:09 UTC
This needs to be a bigger deal.


sugartitty November 19 2016, 18:30:28 UTC
We're too busy talking about how Mike Pence was booed while seeing Hamilton


amw November 19 2016, 19:31:48 UTC
IKR. So that's how this is gonna be. Same as the campaign - get the media all in a huge flap about some nothingburger "scandal" while all the shady shit goes by under-reported. Sigh.


teacoat November 19 2016, 06:57:27 UTC
I can understand why the defendants were willing to take a settlement, but it's a farce that he won't stand trial for this. Our justice system is such a joke. Although really it's justice systemS; the same rules don't apply to you if you're rich.


sayuridoll November 19 2016, 06:59:27 UTC
Ah, yes, the man who claims he never settles, but continues to do so.


amw November 19 2016, 07:14:26 UTC
I don't know how many people were on the class action, but last night I did 25 mill divide by 6000 victims. It's under 5k each, less lawyer's fees. They paid upward of 10k for the program. Once again, this corrupt snake oil salesman slides out from a collapsed scam ahead of his victims. Disgusting.


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