Indigenous women's long search for justice in Quebec, Canada

Nov 18, 2016 15:25

OP: There is an update to the story I have posted below: two police officers from the 'Sureté du Québec' or SQ (i.e. the Quebec provincial police) are being charged with sexual assault against indigenous women. However 37 cases were submitted for consideration and only two resulted in charges, so what is said below still stands (i.e. see the Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, quebec, *trigger warning: sexual assault, canada, human rights, first nations, rape, race / racism, sexual assault, sexism, *trigger warning: racism, indigenous people

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Comments 4

lightframes November 19 2016, 17:41:26 UTC
The officers claim the report was "biased, misleading," and its content was "inaccurate, incomplete and untrue," and created a hostile working environment for officers

That's not what hostile working environment means.

I feel really bad for those women. Once again people take police at their word.


soleiltropiques November 20 2016, 20:59:50 UTC


ioplokon November 20 2016, 07:02:33 UTC
honestly the treatment of these women's cases has been so shameful from beginning to end. my impression is that there's been a decent amount of media attention on this for a while (i've been trying to follow it on & off since you first posted about it here), and still that wasn't enough to actually charge most of those responsible. it's just depressing & infuriating.


soleiltropiques November 20 2016, 21:06:24 UTC
"it's just depressing & infuriating."

It really really is.

These women deserve justice, and they didn't get it.


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