SWVA virginia paper wants u 2 vote for north carolina governor

Oct 29, 2016 20:17

Virginia Paper Endorses Pat McCrory Because HB 2 Is Sending Them JobsWASHINGTON ― A Virginia newspaper is endorsing North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) for re-election because his anti-LGBTQ law, HB 2, is driving business out of his state and into Virginia ( Read more... )

you stay classy, not the onion, nobody, voting, virginia, north carolina

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Comments 1

checkerdandy October 31 2016, 04:17:13 UTC
Lol, the 2017 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Conference is taking place in Boise, Idaho, due to HB2. Maybe we should endorse McCrory as well.


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