A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

Oct 29, 2016 18:55

She was afraid her first ballot for would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.Police in Des Moines, Iowa, arrested a woman on suspicion of voting twice in the general election ( Read more... )

stupid people, voting, voter fraud, not helping, election 2016, donald trump, crime

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Comments 17

by_venoms_sting October 29 2016, 23:02:30 UTC

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blackjedii October 30 2016, 01:13:32 UTC
o hai eartha



ineverycolor October 29 2016, 23:49:17 UTC

The polls werent rigged in the 2000 election. Karma!!!!!


moonshaz October 30 2016, 00:12:34 UTC
I'm SO glad you posted this. I almost did myself, but I got sidetracked by Comey's assholery and forgot. So I'm glad this made it here.

Here, Trump, have a new hat:

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littlelistmaker October 30 2016, 00:57:09 UTC
yeah i literally meant to post it 12 hours ago when i saw it this morning but the comey nonsense distracted me too! thankfully something jogged my memory.


invisiblegirlx October 30 2016, 00:53:27 UTC

I'm shocked I tell you. shocked.


mhfromnh October 30 2016, 02:12:56 UTC

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