Why is the world not talking about injustice in Kashmir?

Oct 18, 2016 16:28

Indian army kills two gunmen, ending Kashmir standoff

Heavily armed attackers who seized government building in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed after days-long firefight.

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kashmir, pakistan, war, war crimes, human rights, india

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Comments 7

riotdorrrk October 19 2016, 07:44:41 UTC
my sister-in-law is Kashmiri. her family was chased out of their home along with the other minority Hindu population in the area 25 years ago, and took up residence in Jammu.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 18:04:03 UTC
That is absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry this happened to your family.


urfvrtweapon October 21 2016, 05:09:20 UTC
Wow, sorry that happened to your family


prlsb4swiine October 19 2016, 08:10:15 UTC
This article focuses on india but both India and Pakistan have been fucking up Kashmir for decades. There's burying of info, suppression of discourse and curfews being implemented by both governments. Pakistan also has forces in the region. The Kashmiri people deserve a chance at their own freedom imo.

And I'm not sure Pakistan could handle all of Kashmir right now anyways. The govt is in constant flux and struggling to keep up with USA anti-terrorism demands while still (!) managing to exploit its own people (amazing!) I have a lot of problems with my govt, and the failure to recognize Kashmiris as Pakistani citizens with full rights while still laying claim to the land is just the tip of the iceberg. These are decades old disputes and ignoring them has solved nothing.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 17:50:03 UTC
I didn't know this, but you're completely right.

Actually, I probably should have tried to find a more balanced article so I honestly apologize for that. (Although part of the problem is that basically no one in the west is talking about Kashmir at all except to say something along the lines of: 'oh look things are getting violent there again', which is really tragic.)

To try to balance things, I added a Human Rights Watch report about Pakistani Kashmir human rights abuses to the list of links.


lightframes October 19 2016, 11:46:48 UTC
That story about Mr. Mir's son was so sad.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 18:04:43 UTC


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