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Comments 34

bnmc2005 October 13 2016, 20:14:05 UTC
An Op Ed on Daily KOS is already calling to cancel the third debate because "you can't debate a pathological liar" and I can't say I disagree. We have nothing more to learn at this point.

I'm bracing myself. This asshole has got nothing to lose now. Following the arc of typical abusive behavior he's displayed so far, this is the metaphorical point where he starts breaking furniture and tries to burn the house down all the while screaming that he's "the real victim here!"

I hope HIllary's people - and her security detail- are prepared.


bitchsdangerous October 13 2016, 20:55:00 UTC
I'm scared for people going out to vote. He was telling his supporters to patrol areas even outside their districts and specifially against minorites. A supporter of his was arrested recently for blocking in/harrassing a 75yr old couple at a grocery market.


elialshadowpine October 14 2016, 14:13:05 UTC
Great. 2004 all over again. In Texas, where I lived at the time, there were people doing just that at the polling places.


screamingintune October 14 2016, 04:02:30 UTC
I'm not going to watch it. The first one was entertaining, the second one was upsetting. The way he stalked her around the stage, the things he said... I'll be watching the baseball playoffs. I got so fucking worked up after the last debate I couldn't sleep.


calinewarkwc69 October 13 2016, 20:47:27 UTC
I've waited my whole life to watch the Republicants go down in flames.

This is so satisfying on every level.

Bless Pluto in Capricorn.


layweed October 13 2016, 22:23:29 UTC
That will definitely be entertaining, but with the way Trump has been fanning the flames of voter fraud or that Clinton's a big cheater or whatever...I'm more concerned that they'll take the rest of us down with 'em.


screamingintune October 14 2016, 04:03:41 UTC
regretting not saving that gif of Hillary's face on the flaming Elmo lol


ms_mmelissa October 14 2016, 04:59:21 UTC
Here you go:

... )


ladycyndra October 13 2016, 21:43:11 UTC
Like I said in another post, this fucker needs to just disappear forever.


layweed October 13 2016, 22:18:49 UTC
if by this time you are still undecided about who to vote for, sorry but y'all need to get your heads out of your asses. how is this even a contest? jesus fuck dude even if you are someone who was 10000000% BERNIE YAY and are somehow still holding a grudge, do you seriously want 4 years of Donald fucking Trump? IDGI.


londonsquare October 13 2016, 23:24:36 UTC
And I roll my eyes so hard when people who were for Bernie are now like, 'yaaay Gary Johnson!" Bernie actually posted today that if you share any of his beliefs or followed him then you would not vote for Johnson.

I'm so sad my mother is refusing to vote this year. She doesn't like either candidate so she's abstaining. Which makes me automatically say - well then you can't complain for the next 4 years about the choices our president will make.


maynardsong October 14 2016, 00:10:18 UTC
I know folks that are either for Jill Stein or for nobody, or those who are concerned about Clinton's policies in Central America. How do you reach those?


sentinelsoul October 14 2016, 00:17:37 UTC
Ask them just what they think Trump will do to Central America or any other area. I don't like Hillary's actions of supporting a coup and so on, either, but she's still a saint compared to what that monster would do. If they think she's bad, Trump is a thousand times worse.


oudeteron October 13 2016, 22:31:00 UTC
I'm glad even the mainstream media is acknowledging that this abusive mess is done for. That's the reality check we need and finally fucking deserve.


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