Petulant Child Throws Twitter Tantrum

Oct 11, 2016 14:39

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump went on a Twitter tirade against House Speaker Paul Ryan and Republican leaders in general after Ryan in a conference call yesterday with GOP House members told them that he was not rescinding his endorsement of Trump but would not defend or campaign for him ( Read more... )

cry moar, trolls gone wild, butthurt, trying too hard, republicans. lol, republican party, bernie sanders side-eyes this, donald trump, paul ryan, crybabies, twitter, this is gonna be good, republicans

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Comments 32

blackjedii October 11 2016, 18:42:32 UTC
I feel like at this point we need a corollary to Poe's Law specifically for Trump.


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ceruleanst October 11 2016, 19:17:33 UTC
It's the other half that will really make a difference. Angry Trumpzis punishing downticket Republicans is the only thing that might free Congress from its carefully gerrymandered Republican control.


littlelistmaker October 11 2016, 19:46:39 UTC
do you think there will be people who go out and vote trump but abstain in downticket races because the party turned on him?


ceruleanst October 11 2016, 19:59:46 UTC
I've seen them saying they're going to, and urging others to do the same, so we can hope so.


dustbunny105 October 11 2016, 19:30:43 UTC
Trump's implications that the opposition he's facing stems from the Republican party being disjointed and disloyal is so far removed from reality that it's almost awe-inspiring.


littlelistmaker October 11 2016, 19:51:31 UTC
it totally appeals to the outsider oppressed narrative that his voters feel despite the oppression not existing at all. he knows how to rile them up, it's so gross.


ponyboy October 11 2016, 19:41:22 UTC

... )


screamingintune October 11 2016, 22:50:11 UTC
lol mte


spiritoftherain October 12 2016, 02:32:15 UTC
Rita Repulsa is just the greatest.


bnmc2005 October 11 2016, 19:59:34 UTC
Coke it up, Donald.

Coke it up and let er go....


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