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Comments 12

sugartitty October 4 2016, 10:53:03 UTC
It's being speculated that Marla Maples leaked it, which wouldn't surprise me at all.


wrestlingdog October 4 2016, 11:31:19 UTC
I've heard that too. That would be some great schadenfreude.


hikerpoet October 4 2016, 11:32:31 UTC
I thought of that when people were discussing how much trouble the leaker might get in. I admit I'm not sure of the legality of that, but I wonder if it would be moderated considering they are hers, too.


sugartitty October 4 2016, 13:37:11 UTC
I read that it would be completely legal since her name is on the documents


ms_mmelissa October 4 2016, 16:31:53 UTC
I know this is legal and everything but it's repulsive. I saw Trump trying to justify this on the trail and he's like "Oh 1995 was a depression" like no it wasn't, what the fuck. He's so gross, literally everything he's ever attacked Clinton for, cronyism, ripping people off, are accurate criticisms of himself.


bitchsdangerous October 4 2016, 18:04:15 UTC
OMG that "down economy" crap was like, seriously... he just (I know, preaching to the choir) says whatever narrative he wants and his supporters eat it up and believe every word of it. I was just sitting there going, "What the fuck are you even talking about?!" AAAGH!!!! 😣


molkat October 4 2016, 17:12:48 UTC
My issue is that he shits on people who don't pay federal income and the whole time he wasn't paying any. Undocumented immigrants pay more into the system than him. Anytime he whined about how much he has to pay and it's unfair he knew he was paying nothing due to being a screw up in business. And on top of that he wants even more tax cuts for people like him.


magedragonfire October 4 2016, 19:43:30 UTC
due to being a screw up in business

I wonder how much that's actually true. He's been proclaiming all along he was 'smart' - was he purposefully taking on such giant losses and running his companies into the ground to be able to exploit this tax law?


molkat October 4 2016, 17:34:09 UTC
*edit* I was overdue for a double postin'


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