twitter too trolly

Sep 30, 2016 20:54

Inside Trump's 'cyborg' Twitter armyWhen Donald Trump confronted revelations that he used money from his charitable foundation to settle private legal disputes and purchase portraits of himself, a tireless army of tweeters went to work to keep the focus on Hillary Clinton’s foundation instead ( Read more... )

conspiracy theories/theorists, donald trump, twitter, shit just got real, conspiracies

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Comments 4

bitchsdangerous October 1 2016, 02:41:58 UTC
It just hit me that this is happening very soon. November 8th, a little over two months away and... I am so scared. I cannot believe we are talking about a presidential candidate for the United States of America in this way, that these are the headlines, these are the issues that are at the forefront. What a fucking lunatic our 1 of 2 options are. It's insane and, it's not funny anymore. I don't think amusement is going to come into play for me anymore.

This might be one instance where a non-believer me is prayin to something... anything for a miracle.

Also, glad I am a vote-by-mail. Not interested in dealing with possible crazies at the booths.


blackjedii October 1 2016, 02:55:32 UTC
it is the inevitable conclusion of media obsessed with ad revenue, a celebrity-worshiping culture, and an oligarchy held together through sheer us vs them and a whole buncha folks who are so frustrated and feel so left out they want to burn the whole thing down

but also teh internet

idk if you've ever heard of the MsScribe Story but teh Internet and using sockpuppets is a pretty good way to get people to like you


sentinelsoul October 1 2016, 03:49:21 UTC
Oh, man, MsScribe, there's a blast from the Fandom Wank past.

And damn... the more I think about it, the more I realize Trump is like an over the top BNF of the Trump fandom with all his sockpuppets and wanking. Next we're going to find out he's a Snape wife via the astral plane.

It'd be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying.


roseemrys October 1 2016, 05:34:22 UTC
I hate that Trump is such a viable candidate right now. It's so scary to think that someone that vile could be President in a month or so. Also, thanks for posting this OP because it's an article I would have never seen without it being on here that helps prove what I have been thinking about Trump using bots.


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