6 Takeaways from the First Presidential Debate + Who Won?

Sep 27, 2016 09:32

Hillary Clinton stepped onto the debate stage Monday night determined to show that only one candidate is ready to be president.

Clinton poked, prodded and quoted Trump's own words, goading the famously thin-skinned Republican nominee. Trump took the bait, repeatedly interrupting angrily or dismissively throughout the night.He couldn't resist ( Read more... )

you stay classy, isis/isil/daesh, factcheck, thank you! fuck you!, not intended to be a factual statement, debates, birthers, this is why we cant have nice things, race / racism, sexism, important issues, donald trump, hillary clinton

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Comments 60

sugartitty September 27 2016, 14:52:39 UTC
Was there anything in this debate that would cause a Trump supporter to back Clinton or visa versa? No. And it may not be there was enough to even sway an undecided voter, a group that could swing this election.



bnmc2005 September 27 2016, 15:18:19 UTC
Not sure I agree with this. It seems that any conservatives that were desperately looking for an excuse to vote for Trump was shutdown.

I can't believe that they didn't see Clinton as the more competent choice.


sugartitty September 27 2016, 15:44:24 UTC
I can't believe it either, but I still don't think that one debate will be enough to sway uncertain voters, particularly those who tend to lean Republican. Hillary has been so demonized for so long, I think it will take A LOT to win the average conservative-leaning voter over to her side. I mean, she's having a hard time swaying some liberal voters to support her. I think the vast majority of conservative-leaning undecided voters will eventually fall in line for Trump, if only because they don't want Hillary making supreme court appointments.


liliaeth September 27 2016, 20:08:26 UTC
and the annoying bit is that when you look at it, on domestic issues, she's way more liberal than Obama is, but they had no problem voting for him.



redstar826 September 27 2016, 14:58:31 UTC

The only winner tonight is the Voyager probe, which is speeding away from the Earth at 17 kilometers/second #debatenight
- Maddie Stone (@themadstone) September 27, 2016


inkstainedlips September 27 2016, 15:16:02 UTC


bitchsdangerous September 27 2016, 19:38:50 UTC


inkstainedlips September 27 2016, 15:15:36 UTC
Hillary definitely won last night, but I'm curious how that will affect the polls.

My mom is so convinced gangs of muslim men are going to come into the country to rape all the women (never mind all the white rapist here already) that she will vote for Trump no matter what. There's no reasoning with her. Also her crazy bf has her believing the Clinton's have had people assassinated. Oi.


eveofrevolution September 27 2016, 15:17:30 UTC
inkstainedlips September 27 2016, 15:23:41 UTC
Kasich was the least awful of the bunch so props to your mom for that and also being smart enough to vote for Hillary.


liz_marcs September 27 2016, 21:15:01 UTC
I feel like I have a weird mom. She's a straight-up older retiree, and she's just about the only one in her cohort that supports BLM and thinks Trump is dangerous.

She's not crazy about Hillary, but she thinks that it's not even a contest over who's more qualified.

She was telling me just the other day that people she's known for *years* are getting verbally violent over the fact that she refuses to vote for Trump. She said they become completely unhinged to the point that you can't even talk to them. And this is the *Massachusetts.*

It's a big part of the reason why she's terrified that we're all going to be in for a nasty surprise on election day.


invisiblegirlx September 27 2016, 15:26:31 UTC
I think people are underestimating the effect of this debate tbh. Hillary crushed him, and he made a fool of himself. He turned off a lot of voters last night.


bnmc2005 September 27 2016, 15:28:13 UTC
I agree. This drew a big fat marker line around it all.


skittish_derby September 27 2016, 15:53:56 UTC
I agree. This article was a little bit more level than I took the debate. Trump lost it, repeatedly. It almost looked like he was going to cry, and Hillary got him where it hurt him the most-- his wallet.

I mean the whole interruption he made about his tax returns and not paying federal tax being "smart" was so brazen. And her retort, blaming the poor infrastructure on him and others like him not paying taxes, amazing.


fishphile September 27 2016, 17:13:59 UTC
I agree and I don't. I don't think he gained any new voters, but I also don't think Hillary did either. If anything, I see this being an uptick for Gary Johnson.


bnmc2005 September 27 2016, 15:27:33 UTC
I've seen a delicious amount of articles today highlighting Clinton's highpoints. It makes me feel so good. I have to say I'm having a moment watching this woman stand up there and take all that bloated prune's bullshit and shut him down.

To the men amazed Clinton hasn't snapped: Every woman you know has learned to do this. This is our life in this society. #debatenight
- E. Van Every (@E_VanEvery) September 27, 2016

Hearing her dismiss him and hold her own while he tried desperately again and again to deflect, talk over her, and just lie his way through this was a real sisterhood moment for me. I have to say I was so impressed by Clinton's ability to handle this shit, I've been pressed to the point of actually responding to and shutting down any fucker on Facebook who repeats bullshit memes and falsehoods about Clinton. I'm sick of people making false equivalency arguments. I'm sick of people trying to make Benghazi happen. I'm just not having this shit anymore.

I hope I'm not the only one, either.


skittish_derby September 27 2016, 15:57:38 UTC
Not the only one at all. To see mansplaining in action was kind of amazing. See what we've been complaining about this whole time!?

It really goes to show how good her temperament for being a good leader is; if she can handle the bloviated fuckwad for an hour and a half without losing her cool, she can handle anything without resorting to the nuclear option.


liliaeth September 27 2016, 19:59:58 UTC
definitely not.
saw this one guy on twitter talking about how at least she wasn't 'shaking her head in a 'condescending way', while she was listening', as she does otherwise (to him), keeping in mind that that's the way you act, when you want to show you're interested and actually listening when someone is telling you something, at least in normal human conversation... but aparantly when a woman does it on television, it's somehow to be avoided.


screamingintune September 27 2016, 20:14:50 UTC
I think if she didn't snap during 11 hours of grilling from Congress, she's not going to snap during a 90 minute debate.


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