teh scandal of teh year right here

Sep 23, 2016 18:08

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Presenting America’s Newest Comedy Team: Mel Brooks and ObamaWASHINGTON - Mel Brooks performed a bit of slapstick near the portrait of George Washington. President Obama tried his hand at stand-up comedy beside his lectern. Audra McDonald almost missed her moment on stage ( Read more... )

trolls gone wild, barack obama, totally awesome

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Comments 8

anguisel September 24 2016, 01:12:29 UTC
The fact that this man used to find land mines still sits with me.

and a interviewed for a documentary


blackjedii September 24 2016, 09:57:02 UTC
barack and michelle are already fans did you see the kennedy center musical blowout?


evewithanapple September 25 2016, 00:33:43 UTC
Who's that guy standing behind Frank Langella's right shoulder? He looks weirdly like Paul Ryan.


blackjedii September 25 2016, 00:39:53 UTC
well Ryan is the whitest Wonderbread in all the land so it's entirely possible it's a lookalike

or not

it's hard to tell with ryan


fenchurchly September 24 2016, 02:24:08 UTC
Aww, this is really lovely. Thanks for sharing OP!


sugartitty September 24 2016, 10:42:53 UTC
Mel Brooks is such a treasure <3


shortsweetcynic September 24 2016, 12:46:39 UTC
this sounds like it was a lot of fun. thanks for this, OP; it was a welcome bit of lightness. :)


serena_took September 24 2016, 17:53:20 UTC
Mel is the absolute best. He's the one celebrity I'd give anything to meet & thank.


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