Tulsa Cop Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter in shooting death of Terence Crutcher

Sep 22, 2016 15:48

BREAKING: #Tulsa DA files 1st degree manslaughter charges #BettyShelby for #TerenceCruther shooting. pic.twitter.com/h4PC6EBWwm
- Tiffany Alaniz (@TiffanyAlaniz) September 22, 2016

A local prosecutor in Tulsa, Oklahoma has brought charges against Betty Shelby, the officer who shot and killed Terence Crutcher ( Read more... )

race / racism, change we can believe in, oklahoma, police brutality

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Comments 22

ponyboy September 22 2016, 22:51:59 UTC
will she be sentenced, convicted and serve it out entirely tho.

and lmao at this handly disproving some people saying that more women cops would help ~ease some police brutality


calinewarkwc69 September 22 2016, 22:54:02 UTC
will she be sentenced, convicted and serve it out entirely tho.


And interestingly enough, the main argument I've been seeing is that she's being charged BECAUSE she is a woman, and it's inherent misogyny, meanwhile, white male cops remain privileged enough to skate.... Idk how I feel about that right now, but the argument is definitely making the waves of social media


ponyboy September 22 2016, 22:56:35 UTC
i'm unsure how to feel abt that. i'm angry, afraid to leave my house and i know its wrong in a way but i'm tired of me and mine being gunned down like this.


calinewarkwc69 September 22 2016, 23:02:01 UTC
The fucked up thing is that because so many male cops have gotten away with murder, now we have to question why one wouldn't? Like "Oh she won't get away with it like men did because misogyny." and it's like, I don't want to have that discussion because I don't want to talk about why or how cops can or cannot get away with murder. I want them to stop fucking murdering people all together... and it feels--- gross? cheap? wrong? to have to ask ourselves why if gender is why one is now getting charged-- like, when really, it should be "why aren't the others?" The whole thing is throwing me for a loop. '

I want you and yours to feel and BE safe though, that's the #1 priority this country needs to push.


soleiltropiques September 23 2016, 01:23:15 UTC
This is good news. OTOH, I guess we'll see whether or not she actually does time. I won't hold my breath.


lightframes September 23 2016, 03:06:03 UTC
Good I'm glad she was charged. No clue if she'll get convicted but she doesn't need to be a cop.


bnmc2005 September 23 2016, 16:24:59 UTC
I haaaate Oklahoma. My fucking childhood home. All the Racism and White Supremacy of the South with none of the historical perspective.

Oh, and I had my own little run-in with Tulsa Police as a youth. While we were parking to go into our apartment after a late night, some cops pulled up behind us and boxed us in. They demanded we get out and separated us to question us because "of a robbery in the area". I heard my friend yell, "Oh god, officer please don't shoot me!" and turned around to see the asshole questioning my friend (the driver) had decided to pull his gun out on my friend and then slam it onto the roof of her car.


The bulk of the deciding power groups in this fucking state is generally ignorant, self-righteous, right-wing white trash who are terrified of blacks and Mexicans. This state of mind does not change in the police academy.



natyanayaki September 24 2016, 02:02:01 UTC
i can't find an article and don't wanna derail, but this is important: http://dancingnaay.tumblr.com/post/150841233513/biscuiteriz-nevaehtyler-21-year-old-baltimore


soleiltropiques September 25 2016, 00:18:24 UTC


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