Chelsea Manning Told She Will Receive Gender Transition Surgery, Her Lawyer Says

Sep 14, 2016 18:46

The military’s decision - which the military will not confirm - follows a recommendation made by Manning’s psychologist more than five months ago

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torture, chelsea manning, military, whistleblowing, transphobia

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Comments 9

maynardsong September 14 2016, 23:59:43 UTC
I'm glad she'll feel like she's the right gender as she serves out her sentence. And I wish Julian Assange himself would go through what Chelsea Manning had to go through.


screamingintune September 15 2016, 05:00:06 UTC
Assange and Snowden get Oscar-bait biopics (even though I don't think Snowden will fare much better than the Assange film) and cult hero status by celebs.

Chelsea gets torture. it's such bullshit.


invisiblegirlx September 15 2016, 00:10:44 UTC

why isn't there a huge campaign to get her pardoned like Edward Snowden?


screamingintune September 15 2016, 00:55:27 UTC
I'm guessing because she's a transgender woman is part. Also, people are crazy weird about her being ex-military, they're like "But she took an oath~~~!!!!" but I think when the values behind the oath are compromised, they should be able to report.

But that's the military mentality, I guess. It plays out in the underreported/underprosecuted sexual assault cases as well. Soldiers have so few rights.


natyanayaki September 15 2016, 01:25:35 UTC

^^ :(


lightframes September 15 2016, 02:47:51 UTC
Yep, it's sad.


natyanayaki September 15 2016, 01:25:04 UTC

i have read that they are still charging her for her suicide attempt? wtf.


ioplokon September 15 2016, 05:57:29 UTC
Glad they are finally letting her get surgery (as required by law!!!). TBH tho it's really fucked up that they won't let her grow her hair until after surgery; like there is literally no reason for that except to be as degrading and cruel to her as possible.

& keeping my eye out for what's coming on the 20th; i really hope she isn't charged for anything related to her suicide attempt, since again it just seems cruel.


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